Thursday, April 9, 2009

What I've Learned from Facebook

I've learned several interesting things this week on Facebook. Apparently, I should be living in New York City. Facebook says that I like to be able to go out any hour of the day or night and find an awesome place to eat. What Facebook doesn't seem to realize is that I live in Joelton. Joelton has a Subway in the gas station and a McDonald's, where the help is sometimes questionable and if you think it's "fast" food, think again. Needless to say, I'm not reaping the rewards of big city life. I was equally surprised when Facebook stated that I would have 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. I've got the girl, she's 10 now. Since my biological clock is ticking like it's on steroids, I figure I will turn up pregnant any day with twin boys. I'm glad Facebook has given me this heads up...we will certainly proceed with caution (lots of caution if you know what I mean). After taking all of this in, I figured that I would try something a little lighter. I took a quiz to find out what 80's cartoon character I was most like. More bad news, Facebook says that I'm like Strawberry Shortcake. What? I'm not a "pink" person, if fact during the quiz when they asked me to pick a color, I picked green out of the choices I had. Strawberry Shortcake seems weak and whimpy. She teaches about good manners and fairness. Why couldn't I have been like Velma from Scooby Doo who's smart and solves mysteries or Jane Jetson who had a robot maid and led a leisurely life with all of their labor saving devices?

More important than all of my quiz results that I've taken this week on Facebook, is the fact that I truly have learned from being on Facebook. I've learned things like: a childhood friend died a few years back in a car accident, my 20th class reunion is being planned for the fall, and a friend from college killed himself. It's reassuring to log on and see that someone else may have had a bad day, has a sick child, problems at work, or is just tired and exhausted from the day. What I find most rewarding about Facebook is seeing the everyday testimonies of friendships, faith, and family. The excitement of ball season starting, the planning of birthday parties, the milestones of a child losing a tooth or getting potty trained, the romance of a date night with a husband or wife, an upcoming vacation, a new career path, someone's child accepting Christ into their heart, or someone thankful for a clean house. It's refreshing to see the emotion, pride, and joy that accompanies each post and picture. Proberbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend". I think Facebook gives us yet another avenue to help us bear witness and keep each other up in the Lord. Happy postings.

1 comment:

The Rowell Family said...

I love your new post... I enjoy Facebook for many of the same reasons! It is great to be a part of so many lives... the good, the bad, and the ugly!