As Miranda has gotten older, she has made the switch from the kiddie cartoons to sitcoms. It all started with a few reruns of Full House (you know, the Tanner family). Before long she was getting the box sets for her birthday and Christmas, not to mention her "I love Uncle Jessie" t-shirt. In the beginning, I was actually kind of excited. I thought it was cool that she liked a show that we had actually grown up watching. As the days turned to weeks, the weeks to months, and the months to a couple of years, we had seen and heard every episode of the eight (that's right 8) seasons at least a dozen times. Every character on the show had somehow managed to become as irritating as the neighbor kid, Kimmy Gibbler.
Then one day, she caught an episode of Three's Company on TV Land. I told her that she might like it if she watched a show or two. That show or two has turned into yet another addiction for this eleven year old. We now have seasons one, two and six, for a total of over 50 episodes. As with Full House, I was glad that she liked the show since it was always one of my favorites growing up. I mean who would have ever guessed in the years of Disney and Nickelodeon that she would get so hooked on a show that debuted in the spring of 1977? It has actually been fun watching the old episodes, John Ritter was so funny and Suzanne Somers was well, soooo dumb. Miranda had become attached to Suzanne Somers playing Chrissy Snow, and then she caught an episode or two where she was replaced with Cindy and Terri. She was very concerned as to what happened to Chrissy and that she liked her the best, nevertheless she seemed to move on. It wasn't until this weekend that I realized, we've had a little too much 'Company'. We had planned a weekend trip to Holiday World in Santa Clause, Indiana. Before leaving for the trip, Miranda had caught the last episode of Three's Company on TV Land. I'm not sure she would grieve as much if I died. As she sat on the couch with tears in her eyes, she wanted to know if Janet really had to get married and why they all had to move out and go their own ways. I thought our Holiday World trip would be just the thing to get her mind off the sad ending to the sitcom, wrong. As we were in the hotel room, flipping through the channels, guess who Miranda spots? Suzanne Somers, selling her make up line. I tell her that is Chrissy and how she looks today. She can't believe it's her, saying, "mom, she used to be so young and beautiful". She was actually depressed with how old Suzanne looked. I'm sitting there thinking she looks pretty good considering her age and the fact that she survived cancer and I can't help but wonder if Miranda thinks the same of me when she looks at old pictures.
Well, even with all the mix of emotions that it's causing, the laughter that Jack, Suzanne, and Joyce give us is worth it.
With 8 seasons and around 200 episodes ahead of us, all that comes to mind is "...Hers and Hers and His..."
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